More than ten minutes of ENJOYMENT for such a brave woman. I do understand you would like, appreciate your udders recieve an harder excellent treatment like my lovely 3rd wife who always requested NETTLES rubbing on her superb endurant nipples, always BRALESS of course and quite often offered to everybody in order to be
I may add in English to John54000 that not only my lovely 3rd wife was happy and always enjoyed such a beating of her superb mature nipples, intensively trained from her young age. Of course our genitals took vigorous strokes as well until they ejaculate 'in air' or quite often inside the mouth of my wife, SWAVELLIG lots og
Bien entendu : ma superbe 3eme épouse prenait de telles dérouillées sur ses deux jolis seins toujours BRA-LESS évidemment en toutes circonstances. Ses seins virevoltaient en tous sens lorsque deux parmi nos très nombreux amis frappaient ENSEMBLE chacun un de ses seins : c'était si beau de la voir jouir pendant ces excellentes sessions. Elle osait toujours réclamer "allez-y plus fort" devant quinze personnes qui étaient présentes (hommes et femmes) chaque samedi après-midi en plein soleil. Toutes les autres femmes savaient que leur tour viendrait ensuite et tous les hommes, y compris moi son mari, s'attendaient à ce que leurs sexes subissent, jambes largement écartées pour que les couilles soient pendantes, un bon traitement identique poursuivi même pendant (et aussitôt après) leur complète éjaculation "en l'air"...
That's true: such a performance is perfect, the udders can easily afford this excellent beating. Sure you are proud to quite often make such a good treatment. We performed publicly with my lovely 3rd wife always doing the same number of slaps for the sexual parts of both members of our loving couple... Naturally you understand my buttocks and of course GENITALS were always as concerned as the so sensitive sexual parts of my wife's body. She was well trained, very endurant and always BRA-LESS in every circumstances. We made quite often her advantages spinning round in every directions like my so shaked penis and balls, even if I was pleased to ejaculate in air... without stopping for this detail our excellent amazing plays!